Commons Recovery Foundation
Claudia Gómez Portugal:
"An initiative to activate and connect new knowledge, learning and practices for community recovery and commons: regenerate commons that exist, recover areas of community and common goods that have been lost and create new areas of community in cities.
In short, the initiative was conceived as a foundation that seeks to nurture in theory and practice the movement of recovery, regeneration and creation of various forms of community life based on the contribution of critical thinking, particularly in Latin America, and the community and social experiences in which it is expressed—the commons, common spaces, communality, etc. It is inspired in the thought and activism of people like Gustavo Esteva and Ivan Illich and others. We are conforming the foundation’s council with Gustavo as its president, and a number of very prominent thinkers and activists in the world.
Currently we want to create a global platform that can detonate a first knowledge mobilization from a series of symposiums at national and international level that we want to make on this first year. We are also considering on a second stage, forming a learning community commons, a kind of school of commons." (email, August 2016)