Commons Conservancy

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= "Our not-­for-prof­it in­fra­struc­ture helps to cre­ate and fos­ter tech­nol­o­gy “com­mon­s”.



"[The Com­mons Con­ser­van­cy] is the re­sult of peo­ple ques­tion­ing the need for hav­ing a sep­a­rate le­gal en­ti­ty per projec­t. It is de­signed as a shared le­gal in­fra­struc­ture de­signed for mul­ti­te­nan­cy, which can be reused by open source/free soft­ware projects at no cost. It is not a panacea but aims to solve a num­ber of is­sues peo­ple nor­mal­ly start foun­da­tions for pret­ty well - and ar­guably in some cas­es does a bet­ter job. It is a very nim­ble and flex­i­ble so­lu­tion, al­low­ing el­i­gi­ble projects to ben­e­fit with­out set­up cost or a lot of ar­gu­ing over de­tail­s."