Commons Alliance Sphere
= activity within Firenze 10+10 meeting
"The Commons “alliance sphere” in Firenze 10+10 brings together many issues in relation to our natural, social, digital commons and public services, such as land, food, water, energy but also social rights, education, knowledge, as well as tackling and refuting the post-Rio agenda covering the green economy, financialization of nature and unnecessary large-scale infrastructures which are supposed to help us out of the crisis.
The aim is to join all networks and movements, local, national and European working on different issues in relation to the Commons. To find mutual ground and strategic joint actions as well as concrete solidarity solutions for those fighting right now on the ground to protect their public services and commons from privatisation and commodification.
The working group is facilitated by the European Water Movement, the European Financialization of Nature Network, the European Forum of Useless Imposed Major Projects and the “Rete della Conoscenza”." (