= a "ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) for non enterprises. It is a distribution of Odoo (ex Open ERP), containing a set of integrable Odoo modules designed for P2P actions". [1]
URL = http://wezer.org/
"wezer is a collaborative and open source platform for the solidary and cooperative economy, in preparation by the Association Valeureux"
Sybille Saint Girons:
"WeZer is an open source platform built . to make businesses and communities more effective.
It is a product of Valeureux, “The Factory of Common goods Wealth Actualisation Tools”, which is studying, designing and teaching for many years about cooperation and sharing value. As a software product, WeZer aims to bring many tools normally found separately into one environment, where they will be more effective, more integrated, and easier to use.
As a platform, and a distribution of Odoo (ex Open ERP), anyone is invited to contribute plugins.
As a tool, WeZer supports the latest thinking in organisational management and collective intelligence.
WeZer is more than a tool, it’s a full device composed by a web app, an ‘implementation journey’, a community and a research program." (https://www.dropbox.com/s/2id1a5mmg0zpc3c/Wezer%20white%20paper%20v1.pdf?dl=0)
1. Apostolis Xekoukoulotakis:
"Wezer contains the functionalities to be organized as a P2P organization:
- social networking
- action (projects, task, timesheet, resources planning, meeting…)
- exchange (crowdsourcing multi currencies, multi indicators)
- emergence (collaborative space to make quality of information emerge from any content + deliberation)
- operation (all daily normal business activities : accounting, sales, supply chain…)"
2. Sybille Saint Girons:
- "Cooperation matrix as explained above has been woven by 20 years of research. It can be seen as an
organic matrix where cells live, resources flow, tensions are processed to get moving actions and creativity.
- Sovereignty empowerment is included in the DNA. Each members and groups can define their own
governance and policies: data transparency rules, means of rewards, focus, dashboards, access rights… Responsibility, as capacity to respond, is our main drive here.
- Emergence matrix System is an organic way of structuring energy to focus on goals. It can be seen as a
ludification framework where winners are the best involved.
It allows community members to create indicators about what they attune on: what is essential for their organisation, for themselves, which values, behaviours, intents, actions they wish to promote. Then they define rules as usages, levels, rewards, and algorithms using both quantitative and qualitative metrics. Data are thus collected and processed through flows monitoring and participatory inputs, transforming them into qualified information. Awareness is then spontaneously attracted on what is promoted.
Motion is needed to reach an objective, and some information show steps done (number of actions done, volume of currencies exchanged, sales amount…). We call them “activators”. Nevertheless, to be sure to aim the goal, we need ‘aligners’. Quality and alignment evaluations from users give ways to encourage focus. Thus we go from data to information then to knowledge.
Emergence matrix applies in most contents, such as transactions, propositions, demands, wants, best practises, ideas or any flowing information. It is a “System” because it’s offering a combination of several emergence matrix linked by customisable algorithms.
- Assessment / Feedback tools. Too often in organisations the exuberant is the most recognised either
person or content. By encouraging users to recognise each other's qualities and sometimes rate each other's actions, the real value creation is better exposed. Mutual acknowledgement encourages tasks to go to their best likely executors. By allowing users to subjectively express their feeling of quality, data will be transformed in information, going out of Facebook’ noise to reach Wikipedia’s worth.
- Supporting workflow is critical because this is how tasks can be shepherded across the organisation
from conception to realisation. Even the best supported organisations drop balls because of poor workflow processes. Here we propose usual status flows (draft, published, accepted, paid, abort) and more complex slips. A project Task can become a Demand, an accepted Reply may create a Task, an Invoice and Accounting records, an event may be an Offer…
Using workflows save data entry consuming time and give consistency by traceability. It also allows innovative flows to be integrated in formal business, for instance sales and accounting in conventional currency and in community currency.
- A multiple customisable currencies framework is set in Marketplace, and soon in all functionalities
implying “money” such as invoice, expenses and accounting. Communities can choose their means of exchange and acknowledgment among conventional and alternative mechanisms. Three categories are offered: rare, sufficient and abundant. Currencies can be issued within the platform or tracked. Members can define limits and interests by group, by personal reputation or by any needed algorithms. The community defines also name, symbol, usage, scale of values, conversion rules... Each transaction can hold several currencies according to rules established.
We prone diversity and interconnection of currencies to overpass euros scarcity. This “monetary constellation” should be useable and efficient to insure viability18. Soon WeZer EXCHANGE Communities will be allowed to inter exchange among themselves. Later an API will open intertrading with other systems.
- Crowdsourcing is supported by the Marketplace. A Demand can call for donation in any currency
exchanged on the community platform. It can be time limited or not, linked to a project or not, generating tasks or not, allocating goodies or not. We bet that a multi-currencies exchange system provides an effective crowdsourcing tool.
- Groups, such that all the members of the platform will be able to form and join for specific purpose.
From a collective intelligence perspective, groups are the 'organs' of the Community organism. Seven types19 of fractal groups allow complex ecosystems to be holarchically structured. Customisation is available for each group, such as scope, membrane crossing rules, members duties and rights, managers, wallet…
- Finally 'Rooms' plugins, where each room has the tools for a group to do different kinds of activities. An
API extending the basic group will allow developers to build rooms aware of the whole system." (https://www.dropbox.com/s/2id1a5mmg0zpc3c/Wezer%20white%20paper%20v1.pdf?dl=0)
Sybille Saint Girons:
"Data sovereignty is primordial in this project. The Data will always be the property of The Client Community, and their protection is ensured in accordance with the recommendations of the CNIL, and their possible exploitation must be agreed by both part. The Client gives database anonymous access to allow impact researches. Client Community takes full responsibility for the legality of trade and activities hold on WeZer platform.
When Web 3.0 P2P distributed framework will be ready, WeZer will evolve to give more sovereignty to communities and people." (https://www.dropbox.com/s/2id1a5mmg0zpc3c/Wezer%20white%20paper%20v1.pdf?dl=0)
More Information
- teaser video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLsL-aOpv3o
- Odoo open source ERP software with workflow mgt is part of Wezer