Synergic Science
= Synergic science is the study of how things can best work together. It examines the processes of Light, Particles, Atoms, Molecules, the Plants, the Animals and we Humans. One of the discoveries of synergic science is that the best organizations–most efficient, most productive and most happy–are those where the participants have win-win relationships with each other. [1]
Timothy Wilken:
"The phrase synergic science serves as a metaphoric container for all those works of “trans-modern” science that were created using a new whole-istic inclusive approach.
Beginning in 1919, a new approach to science emerged. This new “trans-modern” approach to science was based in part on the realization that the ‘whole’ cannot be deeply understood except as an intact functioning ‘whole.’ This new whole-istic inclusive approach to science transcends and includes the older reductionistic science.
This means the new approach really is inclusive. It includes both the ‘physical’ and the ‘metaphysical’—both the ‘objective’ and the ‘subjective’. When you transcend and include, you avoid throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Important discoveries by scientists using the whole-istic inclusive approach of “trans-modern” synergic science include: Paul Kammerer’s Theory of Serialty (1919), Alfred Korzybski’s Theory of Time-binding (1921) and his General Semantics (1933), Edward Haskell’s Unified Science (1945), Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s General Systems Theory (1962), Arthur Koestler’s Theory of Holons and Holography (1967), George Land’s Theory of Transformation (1973), Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics (1975), N. Arthur Coulter’s Human Synergetics (1976), Arthur Young’s Theory of Process (1976), and James G. Miller’s General Theory of Living Systems (1978)."