Spot Us
= Spot.Us is an online platform to crowdfund journalism, i.e. Community-Funded Reporting
URL = http://www.Spot.Us
"Spot.Us is an online platform to crowdfund journalism. Crowdfunding is a type of crowdsourcing, which means an open call for anybody to participate in a task (Brabham,2008; Howe, 2008; Muthukumaraswamy, 2010). In crowdfunding the crowdsourced task isto gather money to a certain purpose, and in the Spot.Us case, the task is to gatherfunding for a story pitched by a journalist. On Spot.Us, freelance journalists pitch theirstory ideas, and community members, basically, anybody who comes to the website, can donate for the pitches they like.Spot.Us launched in November 2008, and by April 2010, more than 800 people havefunded over 60 stories, with an average donation of $60. By April 2010, the donations onSpot.Us aggregated to $100,000. Spot.Us is a nonprofit organization, and it was selected inthe year 2008 as a winner of the Knight News Challenge contest organized by the John S.and James L. Knight Foundation. Spot.Us is initially funded by the Knight News Challengeaward grant." (
More Information
- The Impact of Crowdfunding on Journalism: Case study of Spot.Us, a platform for Community-Funded Reporting. Tanja Aitamurto. ournalism Practice, Vol. 5, No 4, 2011, 429-445
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