Slow Food
"Slow Food presidia are small-scale projects designed to safeguard biodiversity and traditional food products at risk of extinction. There are currently 177 presidia in Italy and 121 in another 46 countries. The projects involve more than 10,000 small producers: farmers, fishermen, butchers, shepherds, dairypersons, bakers, confectioners, and so on. They are concrete, virtuous examples of a new model of agriculture based on quality, the recovery of traditional knowledge, respect for the seasons, and animal well-being. They support and promote quality food products that are: good to eat and typical; clean, made using sustainable techniques and with respect for the environment; and fair, made in conditions respectful of workers, their rights, and their cultures, and with a decent guaranteed wage. They reinforce local economies and help forge a strong alliance between producers and consumers. The presidia are promoted and coordinated by the nonprofit Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity and are part of the Terra Madre Networkfood community network." (