Remaking Public Goods as Positive Sum Worlds Through Web3
* Article: Positive Sum Worlds: Remaking Public Goods. By Toby Shorin, Sam Hart, Laura Lotti. The Other Internet, July 02 2021
Excellent article on expanding the scope of public goods through Web3.
"Thanks to their open source and permissionless nature, crypto protocols have rekindled a popular conversation about public goods. Indeed, the transparency and accessibility of blockchains has already re-imagined models of free exchange and association. Nevertheless, while crypto protocols operate as open networks, do they truly enact a public if solely comprised of private capital? Questions of scope, access, and ownership complicate our understanding of what is public on the internet. Public goods also rely on shared moral conditions, as any "good" is necessarily defined in relation to the value system of a given community. With these considerations, we advocate for an enhanced definition of "public goods," in service of others and towards civilizational longevity."