Religion That’s Not a Religion

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= an open source, co-creative religious (re)imaginary : a science-friendly, religion-like ecology of wisdom practices and tools that can help people meet the perennial problems of life at a time when such tools are critically lacking from the broader culture".

More information

  • look on Youtube for the dialogues around this topic by and with John Vervaeke

An "attempt to help facilitate the generation of an open source, co-creative religious (re)imaginary. Or, as I express it here: “This site is an evolving space designed to facilitate the collective artful co-creation of a religion that’s not a religion: a science-friendly, religion-like ecology of wisdom practices and tools that can help people meet the perennial problems of life at a time when such tools are critically lacking from the broader culture. It is the aim of this site to communally construct the religion-like aspects of this tradition in serious play through open source contribution and experimentation.”"
