Regenerative Communities Network
RCN = "place-sourced initiatives at large landscape (bioregional), ecological megaregion, or small nation-scale working to build community-designed regenerative economies".
"The RCN is a global collaborative of bioregional networks along with individuals and organizations who share a commitment to place-based initiatives for environmental, social, and economic regeneration. We cultivate relationships and direct resources and information towards initiatives that enhance the health and wellbeing of participating bioregions."
"The Regenerative Communities Network (RCN) was launched as an urgent response to the Anthropocene — and the declaration of a Planetary Emergency by the Club of Rome and others. We need a profound response to:
- climate change and biodiversity loss
- deteriorating ecological health at watershed,
bioregional and biosphere scales
- grotesquely unjust and ever rising inequality
- loss of linguistic and cultural diversity, and
- severe economic fragility as revealed by the Covid-19 crisis.
The members of the RCN are place-sourced initiatives at large landscape (bioregional), ecological megaregion, or small nation-scale working to build community-designed regenerative economies."