Real Lisbon Treaty
= Work on an international consensus that allow us to write an international declaration of principles and a global minimum’s list [1]
"This last years things are changing. Finally we have the posibility of communicating between places for free, spread information and read witness reports from other countries. Now we have aquired the new technologies that allow us to build our own tools to organise ourselves without elites exploiting and abusing us. Stop the world, another war is possible: the war to analfabetism, to hunger, to the IMF. A pacific war in the acts but with ideas that will be violent to the minority we all contribute to keep in power. A pacific force that can flood the structural violence of the society. We created and international network that permit our individual or collective development, so let’s start: lets share the tools and projects we like, let’s work for everybody to have access to food, housing, health, information and education, let’s shorten the digital divide. Lets stop trying to survive alone and start to work together dedicating our energy to find solutions and make them work, sharing them with others when they are succesful. We don’t want to support this system anymore. If we decide to stop it, we will stop it. We don’t need them anymore, we just need to get out of the dictature of the programmed obsolesence and the patent lobbies. Grassroots technology and production adapted to local resources is already proven in many isolated places, let’s replicate the succesful ideas, help them spread. We are all from the Earth and none of us has any rights over it’s resources. Let’s stop talking and start building a sustainable, autonomous, non-hierarchical, resilient infrastructure.
Three issues to bring down the current system:
- Resources – we need to gain access to the resources we need, and stop the consumption of any unneeded products
- Information – we need to have our own clear channels of communication, decision making.
- Fear – we fear because we are alone. We can kill our fear through solidarity.
This three lines of action complement each other: if we have more resources, we have less fear; as well, if we have more and better information, we will have more resources. Call your friends, take a problem you like, and solve it. Organise in your local community to get what you need and share what you have. Today we have the posibility to work on an international consensus that allow us to write an international declaration of principles, and a list of global minimum demands. Or simply said, who we are and what we want.
For this big project, we are working on a methodology. This documents should be worked out by two working groups ; one to join all the different manifests in a consensual version, and another to compile all the demands and try to validate them in all the assemblies of the movement. The unapproved propositions can be worked on by new international work groups till consensus has been reached. Assemblies can submit changes to already agreed documents, but have to gather consensus of all the members for the change.
Here the one of Barcelona
The propositions will be brought to the new real national assemblies of the French indignants in Paris the 14th, of the Belgium ones in Brussels the 21st and of the Spanish ones in Madrid the 23rd of July, for a start. This project will continue throughought the european summer to bring us to the October 15th with motre posibilities to demand an european referendum during a european general strike along with the creation of an international alternative assembly, in which proposals can be submitted for approval." (
More Information
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