= "In the project, the philosophy and approach of the maker movement are applied to the development of circulair economy city models. The flows of materials through our cities and how to get a grip on them, are crucial topics of the research".
"REFLOW is a three year research project funded by the European Commission with focus on development of constructive metabolic processes for material flows. This research will happen through different pilot cities in urban and peri-urban environments across Europe.
In the project, the philosophy and approach of the maker movement are applied to the development of circulair economy city models. The flows of materials through our cities and how to get a grip on them, are crucial topics of the research.
In six cities across Europe; Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Milan, Vejle en Cluj-Napoca the project zooms in on a specific resource stream: textiles, wood and packaging, housing, food, plastics and electricity. Through city pilots, data on resource streams are mapped and visualized, governance models and processes are developed, technology that supports sustainable and scalable implementation of such processes is developed. Across the majority of these tasks, citizen engagement is part of the research approach."