Property-Rights Regimes

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From the Wikipedia:

"Property rights to a good must be defined, their use must be monitored, and possession of rights must be enforced. The costs of defining, monitoring, and enforcing property rights are termed transaction costs. Depending on the level of transaction costs, various forms of property rights institutions will develop. Each institutional form can be described by the distribution of rights. The following list is ordered from no property rights defined to all property rights being held by individuals.

  1. Open Access Property (res nullius)
  2. State Property (= Public Property
  3. Common Property
  4. Private Property

Open Access Property is property that is not owned by anyone. It is non-excludable (no one can exclude anyone else from using it) and non-rival (one person's use of it does not prevent others from simultaneously using it). Open-access property is not managed by anyone, and access to it is not controlled. There is no constraint on anyone using open-access property (excluding people is either impossible or prohibitively costly). The tragedy of the commons is a misnomer. It should really be called the tragedy of open access. 'Open-access property may exist because ownership has never been established, because the state has legislated it, or because no effective controls are in place, or feasible, ie, the cost of exclusion outweighs the benefits. The state can sometimes effectively convert open access property into private, common or public property by legislating to define rights and enforce them'. Examples of open-access property are the atmosphere or ocean fisheries.

State Property (also known as Public Property) is property that is owned by all, but its access and use is controlled by the state. An example is a national park.

Common Property is property that is owned by a group of individuals. Access, use, and exclusion are controlled by the joint owners. True commons can break down, but, unlike open-access property, common property owners have greater ability to manage conflicts through shared benefits and enforcement.

Private Property is both excludable and rival. Private property access, use, exclusion and management are controlled by the private owner." (