Power and Modes of Exchange

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* Book: Power and Modes of Exchange. Kojin Karatani.



From the author, Kojin Karatani:

"I have been rethinking the mode of exchange in the same line, which will become a book titled “Power and Modes of Exchange”. At the heart of that book is what might be called the “science of spirits”. My consideration of “spirit” has some of its origins in Hegel’s spirits (especially in his Philosophy of Right, which deals with the problem of the capital-nation-state) and Marx’s fetish (Capital). In this essay, I will give a very brief introduction to this “science of spirits”."

- From the essay "Science of Spirit," by Kojin Karatani, published in Crisis & Critique, Vol. 8, Issue 2, Dec. 13, 2021. (https://www.crisiscritique.org/storage/app/media/2021-12-13/cc-82-kojin-karatani.pdf)


Please read:

More information

  • Structure of World History
  • See also the essay "Capital as Spirit," by Kojin Karatani, published in Crisis & Critique, Vol 3, Issue 3, Nov. 16, 2016.
