Concept from Organicist philosopher Robert Hanna:
"It’s important to contrast advanced capitalism with what I’ll call paleo-capitalism, in which there’s
(i) modest individual ownership of private property, sufficient for satisfying and sustaining people’s true human needs and individual tastes,
(ii) non-commodifying, non-exploitative, non-wage-enslaving (for example, under a larger system of truly generous universal basic income and universal basic jobs [Hanna,2018d: sections 3.3-3.4]), eco-sensitive/sustainable, small-scale business enterprises for the production of goods and the provision of services, sufficient for satisfying and sustaining people’s true human needs and individual tastes,
(iii) modest individual profit-making accumulation of wealth, sufficient for satisfying and sustaining people’s true human needs and individual tastes, and (iv) modest, non-commodifying, non-exploitative, non-wage-enslaving, collective profit-making and collective profit-sharing enterprises (aka cooperatives), sufficient for satisfying and sustaining workers’ true human needs and individual tastes."