P2P Blog Essay of the Day
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Published on alternative 'even' days.
Provisional structured bibliography will be at Structured Bibliography on P2P and the Commons
January 2012 to December 2012
See: Blog Essay of the Day Archives 2012
January to December 2013
See: See: Blog Essay of the Day Archives 2013
January to December 2014
- see: Blog Essay of the Day Archives 2014, for the items January to June
January 2015
- Transition Policies for the Development of the Distributed Energy Model
- Exit from Capitalism has Already Begun
- Design and Dynamics of Institutions for Collective Action
- Might Supplementary Tethered Currencies Reduce Financial System Risks
- Internet Security and the Limits of Open Source and Peer Production
- Peasant Sovereignty
- Transformation of Contemporary Capitalism and the Concept of a Transnational Capitalist Class
February 2015
- Framework for Critically Theorising and Analysing Digital Labour
- Reclaiming Land and Natural Resource Governance from the Market
- Private Property in Liberal Philosophy and its Catastrophic Impact on the Commons
- Do Artifacts Have Politics
- Oligarchies of the World Unite
- Collective Individuation as the Future of the Social Web
March 2015
- Dictatorship of the Proletariat of Consumption
- Digital Labor and the Anthropocene
- Uncovering the Grammar of the Social Field
- Cap and Trade Vs. Carbon Tax as False Choices
- Algorithmic Accountability of Journalists
- Contribution Beyond Source Code in FLOSS Communities
April 2015
- Par Cum Pari
- Recuperation of the Hacker Class by Capitalism
- On the Investigation of Black Boxes
- Technology and Social Change
- Common Wealth Trusts as Structures of Transition
- Toward a Common Theory of Value
May 2015
- Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information Civilization
- Theory of Permanent Counterrevolution
- Towards an Ontology of Networked Learning
- Measuring the Complexity of Adaptive Peer-to-Peer Systems
- P2P Approach To Energy Production
- Entrepreneurship, Sovereignty, and Violent Social Conflict
- Learning To Be the System That We Wish to See in the World
- Shanzai Culture
June 2015
- Social Theory for the Smart City and the Spectrum of Control
- Resource Rents, Redistribution, and Halving Global Poverty Through Resource Dividends
- Everyday Practices of Commoning and the Production of Urban Space in Dublin
- Economics and the Near-Death Experience of Democratic Governance
- Transition From Supply Chains To Ecosystems
- Crisis as an opportunity
- a strategy for taming and eroding capitalism: see excerpts from Anti-Capitalism
- Warez Culture
July 2015
- Studies on Cultural Democratization in the Spanish Neoliberal Crisis
- In_Praise_of_Deficit
- Transition Towards a Food Commons Regime
- Striking with Social Media
- Care-Centered Economy
- Torrent Poisoning
August 2015
- P2P in the Anthropocene
- Value, Rent, and The Political Economy of Social Media
- Collaborative Roots of Corruption
To Do:
- Futurological Discourses and Posthuman Terrains
- LiquidFeedback in Large-scale Civic Contexts
- Toward a Global Immune System
- Italian Experience in Cooperatives
September 2015
- Everyday Water Politics and the Struggle for Alternatives in Cochabamba, Bolivia
- Design Pattern for Decentralised Decision Making
- Mutation of Economics into the Fifth Integral-Arational Structure of Consciousness
- Jobs, Consumption, the Basic Income and the Environment
- Liquid Feedback in Largescale Civic Contexts
October 2015
- Shifting Patterns of Religious Authority And Praxis
- City as a Commons
- CrowdJury_as_a_Crowdsourced_Justice_System_for_the_Collaboration_Era
- André Gorz‘s Concrete Utopia of the Knowledge-Based Society, edit wiki page as well, subtitles etc..
- Community Currencies as Laboratories for the Emergence of Governance Through the Mediation of Social Value
- Stages in the Decline of Democratic Capitalism
- Sharing Economy as Nightmarish Form of Neoliberal Capitalism
- Commoning Social Life
November 2015
- Virtues of Moderation
- Practicing Communication Commons in Honduras and South Korea
- Peer-to-Peer Micro-Payments and Settlement Market for the Decentralised Energy Grid
- Corporation as Commons
- Food from Commodity to Commons
December 2015
- Freedom Technologists and the Future of Global Justice
- Value, Rent, and the Political Economy of Social Media
- Refounding Legitimacy Through Aethogenesis
- Ideas on Artificial intelligences and Political Organization as Inspired by the Science Fiction of Iain Banks
- Proposal for Modernizing Labor Laws for Twenty-First-Century Work
January 2016
- From Dot-com Capitalism to Cybernetic Communism
- Computational Evidence for the Cognitive Costs of Sociality
- Sociocultural and Historical Perspective on Worker Self-Management
- How Can Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Play a Role in Building Social and Solidarity Finance
- Meaning of the Commons in Institutional Perspective
- Trade Secrets in Our Public Infrastructure
February 2016
- Ontologized Commons
- Emancipatory Commoning
- Democracy At Work
- Public Choice and New Institutional Approach to the Economics of Blockchains
- Theory of Unbundled and Non-Territorial Governance
- Cryptosecession as Non-Territorial Exit from State-Based Taxation
- Economics of Blockchain
- Monetary Materialities of Free Peer-Produced Knowledge in Wikipedia and Its Tensions with Paid Labour
March 2016
- Commons Movements and Progressive Governments as Dual Power
- On the Necessity of Transforming the Fictitious Commodities of Money, Land, and Labor Into Commons
- Quasi-Totalitarianism of Global Trusted Networks
- iCapitalism and the Cybertariat
- From Castoriadis’ Project of Individual and Collective Autonomy to the Collaborative Commons
- Digitalisation of the Economy and Its Impact on Labour Markets
- Dangerous Dynamics of Capitalism's Futuristic Accounting (90% of for-profit companies use unreliable accounting)
April 2016
- Commoning as a Transformative Social Paradigm
- When the Ethnographic Method Goes Open Source
- Civic Economy of Provisions
- Free Software Philosophy and Open Source
- 3D Printing as an Agent of Socio-Political Change
- Emergence of Commons and Guilds as Silent Revolution (excerpt: Self-Regulation in the Medieval Guilds and Peasant Commons
- From Medieval Guilds to Open Source Software
May 2016
- Toward a Neo-Polanyian Conception of Capitalist Crisis
- Worker Cooperatives for Good, Sustainable Jobs in the Community
- Diversity and Empathy as Generators of Creative Wholeness for Participatory Public Policy
- On the Political Economy of Copy Protection
- Patterns That Connect
- In Defense of the Digital Craftsperson
June 2016
- Infrastructure Studies Meet Platform Studies
- Labour as a Commons in Worker-Recuperated Companies
- 3D Printers, the Third Industrial Revolution, and the Demise of Capitalism
- Pro-Capitalist Commons vs. Anti-Capitalist Commons
- DAOs, Democracy and Governance
- Distributed Biotechnology
- Law and the Commons
November 2016
- Crowdsourced Surveillance and Networked Data
- Invisible Politics and Governance of Bitcoin
- Fractal Organisation Theory
- Will the Future of Production Be Local
- Is There a Global Digital Labor Culture?
- Rise of Alternative Currencies in Post-Capitalism
- Real World of the Decentralized Autonomous Society.
December 2016
- Liquid Democracy and the Futures of Governance
- Reclaiming the Internet With Distributed Architectures
- From Code is Law to Law is Code
- Food as Commons or Commodity
- Commons Approaches to the Infrastructural Gap
- Thinking About Commons as a Post-Capitalist Perspective for Social Work
January 2017
- Critical Analysis of Social Democratic and Critical Theories of the Intellectual Commons
- Solidarities and Collective Action in Post-Industrial Societies
- Backfeed, the Blockchain, and Value Systems in the Sharing Economy
- Patterns of Peeragogy
- Toward a Political Economy of Love and Abundance
- Possibilities and Constraints of Engaging Solidarity in Citizenship
- Participation and the Mystery
February 2017
- Technology and the Death of Hegemony in International Relations
- Contributory Diversity as a Metric for the Ethical Evaluation of Value Production
- Production and Circulation of Value in Community Energy Initiatives
- Recursivity and Anti-Authoritarian Metrics as a Strategy for Post-Capitalism
- African Traditions, Maker Communities and the Politics of Generative Justice
- FLOSS as the Collectivism of the ICT Sector
- From Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives to Open Cooperatives in Food and Farming
March 2017
- From Multi-Stakeholder Cooperatives to Open Cooperatives in Food and Farming
- Openness as Social Practice
- Epistemic Regards and Plurality of Schools on Food as a Commons
- Fifty Shades of Open
- European Policy Response to the Platform Economy
- Socialism and the Blockchain
- Towards a Theory of ICT Mediated Citizen Engagement
April 2017
- Italian Water Movement and the Politics of the Commons
- Open Protocols for a Credit Commons
- Reflections on Information Technology and Contemplative Scholarship
- Transition towards a Food Commons Regime
- Exploring Alternative Energies as Potentialities of Collective Reorganization
- Contested Language of Bitcoin
- Use of Co-Design and Prototyping in Public Policy-Making
May 2017
- Coexistence of Decentralized Economies and Competitive Markets
- Commoning Against the Crisis in Greece and Beyond
- Neocybernetic Governance and the End of Politics
- Food as Commons
- Cooperative Enterprise as an Antimonopoly Strategy
- Morality as Cooperation in 60 Societies
June 2017
- Citizens Evolving from Data Providers to Decision-Makers in Barcelona
- Market and Labour Control in Digital Capitalism
- Food as a New Old Commons
- Testing the Theory of Morality-as-Cooperation in 60 Societies
- Right to the Datafied City
July 2019
- Towards a New Vision of Citizenship based on the Foundational Economy of Local Commons
- How Alternative Platforms Combine Open Source with the Defense of Collective Property
- Blockchain's Impact for Labor and Capitalism
- How Italian Community Co-operatives Responding to State Withdrawal
- Planning in and for a Post-Growth and Post-Carbon Economy
- Distinguishing Four Discourses on Sustainability Transitions
August 2019
- Communitarian Revolutionary Subject
- Anarchism and the Promise of a Post-Capitalist Collaborative Commons
- Real and Counterfeit Techno-Utopianism
- Exploring and Analyzing the Dark Web
- Capitalism and the Commons
- Open Food Network as a Case Study of Commons Based Peer Production
- Commons-Based Peer Production in the Work of Yochai Benkler
- Automation for the Artisanal Economy
- http://www.footprintjournal.org/issues/current (different articles)
Special Projects
Commons and P2P Dynamics in the Global South
To Do:
- the rurban revolution in cas masdeu, http://www.inthefield.info/rurbano_revolution.pdf
- Distributed Digital Democracy (abstract to be edited)
For Kevin:
- Peer to Peer Relationality, for Kevin,
Wealth of Commons bk
- The Economy of Wastefulness: The Biology of the Commons, by Andreas Weber
- The Commoning of Patterns and the Patterns of Commoning, by Franz Nahrada
- The Global Land Grab: The New Enclosures, by Liz Alden Wily
- Hope from the Margins, by Gustavo Esteva
- Transition Towns: Initiatives of Transformation, by Gerd Wessling
- Share or Die – A Challenge for Our Times, by Neal Gorenflo
- The Boom of Commons-Based Peer Production, by Christian Siefkes
- Creative Commons: Governing the Intellectual Commons from Below, by Mike Linksvayer
- The Common Heritage of Mankind: A Bold Doctrine Kept Within Strict Boundaries, by Prue Taylor
Reserve Material
- Temporalities of the Commons, with p2p excerpt .
- to scribd: [1]; suggested title: The Globalization of the Small and the Local, see Small, Local, Open and Connected As Way of the Future
- http://www.shareable.net/blog/aggregation-not-algorithms-is-the-key-to-building-trust
- in two parts: http://www.shareable.net/blog/why-facebook-threatens-internet-freedom-far-more-than-apple
To check: http://www.shareable.net/blog/co-ops-a-great-way-to-share
Video and interview: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=2003008%3ABlogPost%3A43470&commentId=2003008%3AComment%3A43339&xg_source=activity