Online Decision Platforms

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= maintained version of a directory curated by Strypey for Disintermedia

Archived version:


Free Code

In Active Development

  • Epitome - (AGPL) "online platform of mass deliberation and consensus decision-making, developed for communities and groups of any size or need", developed by the Democracy Foundation - Whitepaper
  • Liquid Feedback - (MIT) inspired by the Pirate Party, and developed by the Public Software Group. Implements the concept, sometimes referred to as "liquid democracy", of people being able to vote on any decision, or delegate their vote to another trusted person on a topic by topic basis.
  • Loomio - (AGPL) inspired by Occupy, and developed by a worker-owned cooperative. Groups can start discussions on a topic, then run through a series of consensus decisions on that topic.
  • RiseFor - a citizen mobilization platform developed by French freelancers co-op Happy Dev.


  • DemocracyOS - (GPLv3 - originally MIT) created by the founders of the Net Party in Argentina. Uses blockchain technology inspired by BitCoin to certify decisions. Translated into 5+ languages.
  • Votorola - (MIT) " experimental technology for the public guidance of electoral systems, exec­u­tive of­fices, legis­latures, and other decision sys­tems. Unique­ly it combines the de­vices of re­combin­ant text, trans­i­tive voting, and vote pipes to build a max­imum of person­al freedom into its facil­i­ties. The main facil­i­ties are tree-form, de­cision guide­ways. Voto­rol­a deploys the leaf­ward edges of these in sup­port of the pub­lic sphere, where they pro­vide a pur­pose and out­let for ration­al dis­course."


  • Doodle - Simple, pretty, online meeting planning tool.
  • GroupMindExpress - Commercial and proprietary. "Your team’s collective intelligence is greater than the sum of its parts; help them align with strategic planning and organizational development tools from GroupMind™. Strategic planning, change management, and organizational development processes benefit from experienced consultants with software that leverages collective intelligence."
  • VocalEyes - "VocalEyes is a platform and stakeholder engagement process designed for modern day institutional planning and community organising."

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