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"James Lovelock, who is now 100 years old in his recent book, Novacene is the emergence of the 6th Kingdom of life — artificial intelligence, or cyborgs as Locklock refers to them. The Novacene is his term to demarcate the end of the Anthropocene and the movement into a new era wherein we must utilize the much faster computational speed that computers are capable of addressing runaway global warming. “For Lovelock, the Gaia hypothesis will save us, because the machines will realize that they need organic life to keep the planet at a habitable temperature. (Even electronic life could not survive on an Earth that veered into runaway global warming.) So, Lovelock argues, it will suit the robots to keep humans around. We might even be happier, as he quotes the American writer Richard Brautigan writing in 1967 when we are “all watched over/by machines of loving grace”.”[28] This is in addition to the other 5 kingdoms of life: Monera, Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Anamalia. Interestingly, Elon Musk has arrived at the same conclusion with the development of the Neural Lace brain-computer interface/implant to allow humanity a better control over AI." (