Nottingham Peer Production Workshop
Below are various materials related to the first academic conference on Peer Production, held at Nottingham Trent University on November 15-16, 2007, co-organized by Andreas Wittel and Michel Bauwens.
See also the official page for a general presentation of the program.
- Stefan Merten (Oekonux): Free Software: The Most Mature P2P Economy. 1) Text version of key Oekonux concepts.
- Adam Arvidsson: Review: The Ethical Economy
- Yuwei Lin: Women's collective action in the free software worldWomen's collective action in the free software world
- Paul Hartzog and Richard C. Adler, Oort-Cloud: Social Publishing
- Henrik Ingo, Do we want Direct Democracy?
- Dr Athina Karatzogianni, University of Hull, author of Cyberconflict and Dr George Michaelides Institute of Work Psychology, University of Sheffield: Cryptohierarchies, Soft Control and Group Polarization in Networked Communities. Request copy of presentation from athina.k at or [email protected]
- Cosma Orsi. Roskilde University Centre. The Political Economy of Reciprocity and the Partner State.
- Tere Vadén. A Critique of Cybercommunism
- Ned Rossiter. Economic Options for Organizing Networks in Beijing
- Dr Phoebe Moore Free Software, Free Time PPT file
- George Dafermos. TU Delf. Peer Governance in the Linux Community.
- Johan Söderberg. Hacking Capitalism. [1] (no presentation - Presented Summarized Lecture)
- Sam Rose Open Businesss and P2P Ventures in theory and practice PDF
- Hervé Le Crosnier. Vectorialism: how crowdsourcing help building new conglomerates of the digital age. PDF
Yuwei Lin:
"I was there, too. I gave a talk titled 'Women's collective action in the free software world' at this workshop. I argued that voluntary work in free software is not necessarily unpaid labour; people are motivated by a variety of matters to get involved in free software. However, the majority of the rewarded and visible labour is coding jobs largely done by men. In this talk, I drew on the stories about women's practices in developing and using free software, and tackled such overemphasis on the value of coding and men's work. I called for attention to invisible values of mutual helping, mutual learning, participating, and sharing experiences. I also called for acknowledgement of women's participation (and hence diverse ways of coding and hacking) in the free software world."
Tere Vaden introduced the concept of Triple-Free Software:
"triple-free peer production (whether in free software, media, education...) includes the ownership of the means of production down to the level of electricity, the physical infra etc. I'm thinking of Gandhi in South-Africa: when he with his colleagues wanted to start a newspaper highlighting the racial/economic/legal issues, they could not get it printed (economy + censorship), so they bought a printing press and moved with it to the country where they grew their own food & wrote & published. I'm thinking that something like this might in the long run be necessary if we want to escape the dependency & falling back of peer production to waged labour."
More Information
Info page on the conference from Nottingham Trent University at