Michel Bauwens on the Conditions for the Radicality of the P2P Paradigm

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= Seminar held by Michel Bauwens as part of the activities of the 4th Inclusiva-net Meeting: P2P Networks and Processes, an international event that takes place in Medialab-Prado from July 6 to 10, 2009.

Video via http://medialab-prado.es/article/seminario_bauwens


"Peer to peer is essentially a tool or 'model', but whether it can be used for emancipatory purposes depends on a integrated set of conditions. The P2P Foundation has brought together a community of researchers and activists interested in using peer to peer paradigms in every area of social life, and as a pluralist network, combines many different frameworks of understanding, both post-liberal and post-socialist. In this seminar, we will attempt to describe the emergence of p2p models in various domains, look at their commonalities, and see how they can be integrated in a strategy for social change, that creates the conditions for a sustainable and 'just' society. Different scenarios will be presented, from the full integration of p2p in a market economy, via hybrid modes, via the hypothesis of a political economy where peer to peer would be the core logic of value creation."