Michel Bauwens on Cosmolocalism and Civilisational History

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Podcast via https://lightforest.world/3-cosmolocalism-civilisation-history-and-being-twice-born-with-michel-bauwens-2/


Dev Lewis:

" 'Cosmolocal' is an emerging framework to help conceptualise and organise in ways that encourage global solidarity and identity while maintaining deep and meaningful local connections and ties. Cosmolocal is centered around protecting and enhancing the commons, a paradigm shift from the extractive logic of capitalist markets. It is a framework that captures ancient wisdom and practises in a 21st century digital context.

In a two-part conversation, I speak to Michel Bauwens, founder and director of the P2P Foundation, and person who has spent decades studying these questions. He is also one of the early proponents and conceptualiser of cosmolocalism and co-author of the Cosmolocal Reader book. Post-Covid, Michel Bauwens is doing 'civilizational transition' research for the Civilization Research Institute, and functions as research coordinator for the Global Chinese Commons, a crypto-nomadic community. Over the decades he has founded companies and directed documentary films on Transhumanism. Ken Wilbur was a mentor to him although the severed ties a few decades ago during a period of great turmoil and suffering leading him to being 'twice born' which he candidly shares with us in part 2.

I sat down for a conversation with Michel on cosmolocalism. To get there and fully appreciate this vision, Michel takes us on a civilisation history perspective on our world, and explains why he believes we are in a period of major transition."