Margie Mendell
1, Pat Conaty:
"Margie Mendell at Concordia University in Montreal founded the Karl Polanyi Institute in Quebec and publishes regularly in both French and English journals. But she is also an activist at grassroots level in Canada and her links to these movements in Quebec has been impressive over 20 years. She collaborates with Mike Lewis and Pat Conaty and she is one of the few global experts on social solidarity finance."
"Marguerite (Margie) Mendell, who earned her PhD in Economics from McGill University (1983), has been teaching at the SCPA since 1986. Her current research and teaching are on the social economy, alternative investment strategies, comparative community economic development, economic democracy, and the work of Karl Polanyi whose influence continues to grow today. Margie Mendell is participating in a growing international dialogue on innovative economic initiatives to reduce poverty and develop new collective forms of wealth creation through her participation at scholarly conferences and international meetings of the OECD and the ILO and civil society gatherings. She also participates in consultations in Canada (federal, provincial, municipal) and abroad (most recently at the European Union) on issues related to social and community based finance and the social and solidarity economy. Her work, published in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and most recently in Korean, has generated international interest. Dr. Mendell is also the co-founder of the Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy established at Concordia University in 1988.
Margie Mendell is a member of the Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales dans économie sociale, les entreprises et les syndicats (CRISES - UQAM); member of the Advisory Council of the B.C.-Alberta Research Alliance on the Social Economy (BALTA) and member of the Scientific Advisory Group on Social Economy and Social Innovation of the Trento Center for Local Development. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD-Paris), among others.
She is also a member of the Advisory Committee of Les politiques publiques municipales of the Ville de Montréal, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Chantier de l'économie social. As well, Margie Mendell is a member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Economie et Solidarité, and member of the Advisory Board of Studies in Political Economy, among others. She is a frequent contributor to television, radio and written media on public policy issues in Canada, Québec, and internationally."
Margie Mendell’s teaching and research areas include:
Community Economic Development (comparative perspectives) Social finance in Quebec and internationally The social and solidarity economy including social enterprise (comparative perspectives) Innovation in public policy formation Economic democracy Governance from theoretical and comparative perspectives Social indicators The life and work of Karl Polanyi "
Selected Publications
Bourque, G.L., M. Mendell and R. Rouzier (2011). "La finance solidaire: l'histoire d'une nouvelle pratique." Marie J. Bouchard, ed. L'économie sociale. Vecteur d'innovation. L'expérience du Québec. Québec. Presses de l'Université du Québec, pp. 229-255.
Mendell, M. and N. Neamtan. (2010). “The Social Economy in Quebec: Towards a New Political Economy” in L. Mook, J. Quarter, and S. Ryan (eds.), Why the Social Economy Matters. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 32-58.
Bourque, G.L., M. Mendell, and R. Rouzier (2009). La Finance responsable au Québec. Portrait, enjeux et défis d'une finance au service d'un développement durable et solidaire. Montreal: Éditions Vie économique, coopérative et solidarité. 124p.
“Social Enterprises in OECD Member Countries: What are the Financial Streams?” in A. Noya (ed) The Changing Boundaries of Social Enterprises. OECD, 2009, pp. 89- 138. [With R. Nogales].
“The Three Pillars of the Social Economy. The Quebec Experience (1996-2007)” in A. Amin. Social Economy: Alternative Ways of Thinking about Capitalism and Welfare. London: Zed Press 2009.
Mendell, M. (2009). “The Social Economy in Quebec: Lessons and Challenges for International Co-Operation” in D. Reed and J.J. McMurty (eds.), Cooperatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-Operation across Borders. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 226-241.
“Karl Polanyi and Instituted Process of Economic Democratization" in M. Harvey, R. Ramlogan and S. Randles. Editors. Polanyian Perspectives on Embedded Economic Processes, Development and Transformation. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007. pp. 78-92.
Mendell, M. (2005). Reclaiming Democracy. The Social Justice and Political Economy of Gregory Baum and Kari Polanyi Levitt. Editor. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 176p.
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