Marcos García
I am interested in how the commons has been rediscovered in the last years through some of the practices that are happening in the internet like free software or Wikipedia, and how these practices are expanding to other realms.
In 2009 I participated, together with Antonio Lafuente and Andoni Alonso, at the Free Culture Research Workshop, organized by the Berkman Center in 2009. We presented the text: “A Lab Without Walls. A Proposal to Reshape a Policy for the Commons”
(2013, )
MARCOS GARCÍA is the artistic director of Medialab-Prado since 2014, an initiative of the Madrid City Hall, devised as a citizen laboratory for the production, research and dissemination of cultural projects that explores forms of experimentation and collaborative learning that have emerged with digital networks.From 2006 to 2013, he was in charge of coordination and programming at Medialab-Prado, alongside Laura Fernández. Previously, from 2004 to 2006, they set up the education programme of MediaLabMadrid, developing the cultural mediation programme and the Interactivos? project, a platform for production and research into the creative and educational applications of technology. Marcos has taken part in numerous international events about digital culture and the commons.
More Information
- contact via @marcosgcm