Maka Si Tomni Institute

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"Maka Si Tomni Institute is a collaborative learning community. The Lakota Paradigm is an ancient oral Native scientific life way converging with correlations of physics, biology and cosmological understandings in mythological historic interpretations of civilization. "Thoughts About the Lakota" Part I and Part II by Don Javier Livas, Monterrey Mexico, International Attorney and Cybernetician specializing in the Viable Systems Approach to the creation of a "Cybernetic State." Don Javier explains the breakdown and opportunity for caring for all of us to care for the Lakota Oyate as a global learning event in redesigning and reconfiguring our understanding our ancestries we(i)sdom continuums operating in natural law.

We are an EDGE FUN(d) hunting party committed to originating anew deliberate intentional game in learning that designs a sustainable child centric future as a joyful concern in natural law as the governing creative principle of humanity's creative intuitive spirit~senses operating in real time and pure play.

Our institute is committed to live speech action through rapidly formed networks of appreciative inquiry and dialog in robust and rigorous networks of conversations breaking through imminent unsustainable emergent creative collapsing opportunities by bundling the unity of our our shared human concerns in solidarity in adequate effective actions.

Become a "Friend of Lakota" and participate in designing progressive balance between global human ecology in live organizational living and the biosphere of Earth and Cosmos where we come home as Star Children waking up a third wave renaissance. " (