Lawrence Taub
Lawrence H (Larry) Taub — 1936–2018 = futurist and the author of the book The Spiritual Imperative: Sex, Age, and Caste Move the Future
Jan Krikke:
"In the early 1960s, Lawrence Taub dropped out of Harvard Law School to go “on the road.” He lived in Scandanavia and France before making his way to India. In Bihar State, he attended a lecture at Sarkar’s Ananda Marga Center, where he first heard about the orthodox version of the Varna prophecy. Taub initially discarded the idea as a typical Indian-Hindu form of myth-making, but a seed was planted.
From India, Taub traveled to Japan, exposing him to yet another cultural sphere. One day in April 1975, he picked up a copy of the Japan Times, which reported that Saigon had fallen to the North Vietnamese. Taub thought of the Varna cycle. A communist country based on “worker values” defeating the army of a capitalist country based on “merchant values” had all the hallmarks of a change in the Varna cycle. Taub would write in his book: “Spontaneously, I made what seemed to be the elusive connection between everyday history as we know it and study it in school and the Hindu philosophy of history.
Studying the origin of Varna in more detail, Taub realized he could map the cycle in the ancient Varna prophecy to actual human history, both in terms of historical periods and geographical regions. He showed that populations in specific cultural regions have traditionally matched the psychological profile of the four generic types. Figure 4 shows how Taub applied the four generic types to the modern era, and in Figure 5 he maps the Varna cycle to actual history.
The mapping of the Varna cycle to actual history led Taub to conclude that East Asia (the Confucian countries) would dominate the peak stage of the worker cycle. Its psychological profile most closely corresponded with the generic worker type. Similarly, the West dominated the preceding merchant cycle, because its psychological profile most closely corresponded with the merchant type.
Taub argued that the transition from the merchant cycle to the worker cycle explained much of the upheaval in the present world in all its facets: economic, political, social, ideological, cultural, geographic, and psychological.”
More Information
Related Pages on this Wiki
- Integrating Jean Gebser and Lawrence Taub by Jan Krikke
- The Spiritual Imperative: Sex, Age, and Caste Move the Future: book summary and interview excerpts
- Lawrence Taub on the Spiritual Imperative and the Last Caste
- Transcending the Left-Right Divide — essay by Jan Krikke
External Links
- Remembering Lawrence Taub by Michel Bauwens
- Lawrence Taub's blog
- Tribute page by Jan Krikke with list of interviews and articles