Kryder's Law

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"Kryder’s law is a term for an analysis of the density and capability of hard drive storage media over time. It is seen as a correlate to Moore’s law, a theory that holds that the number of transistors placed in an integrated circuit should double every two years, resulting in predictable progress in microprocessor speed.

Kryder’s law is based on the work of Mark Kryder, who studied hard drive technologies over several decades, beginning in the 1970s. Since 2005, Kryder’s work has inspired the term Kryder’s law to refer to the rapid increases in magnetic drive storage density during the last 60 years, during which hard drives have progressed from holding only several thousand individual bits of information in the 1950s, to today’s smaller, high-volume drives.

The emergence of smaller and more efficient storage media is key to the larger developments in deployed technologies, including fast processors and different kinds of commercial and research applications. That’s part of the reason why there's been a lot of interest in analyzing the progress of optimizing drive density and storage capacity." (