Knowledge Governance

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"Knowledge governance is a broad concept that embraces different forms of governance mechanisms influencing the production, appropriability and dissemination knowledge. As a provisional definition, the “knowledge governance approach” is characterized as a distinctive, emerging approach that cuts across the fields of knowledge management, organization studies, and innovation and competition policies. Knowledge governance is taken up with how the deployment of governance mechanisms influences knowledge processes, such as sharing, retaining and creating knowledge”. “As an analytical perspective, it encompasses intellectual property rules and regulations but supersedes it by drawing on those fields and disciplines in order to identify the contours of the new knowledge ecology, and to support alternative governance mechanisms for organizational and business models which are emerging as complements - or alternatives - to the instituted intellectual property regime we now have (Burlamaqui 2009)." (

Source: From Intellectual Property to Knowledge Governance: An Evolutionary Perspective and its Implications for Development, Leonardo Burlamaqui and Mario Cimoli, Jun 29, 2009".