Jose Ramos on Participatory Futures
Video "Exploring Nesta’s Participatory Futures Report" via
"In late 2019, global innovation think-tank Nesta published Our Futures: By the people, for the people – a practical guide to ‘doing’ participatory futures.
Participatory futures is about moving beyond traditional public engagement, to help people and communities develop a collective image of the future they want. This helps us all make better, more informed decisions today.
In this event, held and recorded on the GovTeams platform, Jose Ramos, Director at Action Foresight and co-author of the Nesta report, will present the guide and discuss how governments, funders, citizens and society can work together to create more inclusive futures for our communities.
Jose's presentation is followed by a panel discussion with Carolyn Hendriks, Associate Professor, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy and Dr Kristin Alford, Director at MOD Museum of Discovery at UniSA, who explore participatory futures in an Australian context.
This event, hosted by Will Story, First Assistant Director at the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, was held as part of Innovation Month 2020: 'delivering differently'."