John Wilbanks on Cognitive and Cultural Interoperability

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= Knowledge interoperability

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"John Wilbanks, VP, Science, Creative Commons outlines a standard for “interoperability” for knowledge and for cultural works. Only an open approach, he argued, is best suited to the other interoperable aspects of the Web.

Presented as part of a session on “Copyright, Open Access, Subscriptions, and Permissions: What Editors Need to Know in the New Digital Publishing Environment,” presented to the recent annual conference of the Council of Science Editors, it has been published on the Copyright Clearance Centre's Beyond the book website.

In Wilbanks’ talk he details the need for an open approach when it comes to knowledge sharing in the digital world, necessary to really see network effects on available information and explosions of innovation. He argues that the ability to create and distribute is now ubiquitous, and that the digital commons presents a different opportunity for sharing, if allowed." (