Jan Hemme on How the German Pirate Party is Crowdsourcing Politics
Video via http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n35-HsVavfg&feature=player_embedded
On the speaker:
"Jan Hemme is a spokesperson for the Berlin Pirate Party’s Working Group on Enterprise and the Environment, and has provided strategic advice to the party’s Federal Executive Board. He authored the Pirate Party's successful motion in the State Parliament of Berlin to create a resolution on the EU’s Data Protection recast. This was featured in Germany’s leading weekly news magazine DER SPIEGEL as the high-profile example for the Pirate Party’s e-participation software-tools, bottom-up policy approach and flat hierarchies. Hemme holds a B.A. in political science from Luther College, IA as well as a M.A. from Münster University and has a professional background in strategic communication consulting." (http://personaldemocracy.com/media/liquefying-democracy-how-german-pirate-party-crowdsourcing-politics)