= Australian consultancy: "InCollaboration builds relationships and collaborative networks to strengthen communities and address social, economic and environmental challenges".
"nCollaboration is a social change agency and consultancy.
Our vision is for resilient and inclusive communities and sustainable and regenerating environments.
We are in a time of rapid change with increasing concentration of wealth and power, community tensions, and unprecedented and unpredictable environmental challenges. Business as usual is not an option. InCollaboration works with networks influencing big picture change as well as with local leaders engaging their communities towards greater self-sufficiency and preparedness for changes that are coming. We strengthen ecosystems around local leaders, connecting them to supports, resources and new ways of working.
More generally we collaborate with and assist social sector organisations - small and large community, government and business entities - focused on strengthening communities, economic empowerment and environmental sustainability. We facilitate connections for increased cooperation, collaboration and innovation to address the interrelated issues that our communities and our world are facing."