ID3 Workshop on Trust Frameworks and Self-Governance
= workshop organized on May 31, 2012 by John Henry Clippinger and David Bollier
"This workshop will explore the growing interest in developing more effective, legally sound, networkbased solutions to digital privacy, identity, and security concerns. There are a growing number of serious initiatives seeking to improve the security of identity management, the ease of data storage in the cloud, the interoperability and use of large databases, and the trustworthiness of social networking.1 ID3 hopes to instigate a new conversation that can begin to integrate many of these concerns into more coherent, dynamic solutions. We wish to explore how we might develop a new set of network protocols and software platforms that could blend software design, legal governance, market incentives, and user-centric action into a stable new type of ecosystem. In its most ambitious sense, we are talking about the next, great leap in the structure of the Internet and its sociolegal- economic evolution.
The ultimate goal is to develop a new network architecture for personal data that will enable new forms of trusted governance, commercial transactions, and social relationships. The envisioned system would seek to leverage the powers of Big Data while empowering users to control how their personal information can be used. By helping devise a more transparent, accountable governance system that is holistic in scope – and only minimally dependent upon legacy institutions of law and policymaking – we hope to nurture a new, network-native form of law that we call Digital Common Law.
Many complex and interconnected questions must be addressed in building this infrastructure and in developing the socio-legal-technical framework for digital common law. Among the major questions are how to set policies for socially acceptable uses of large, interlinked databases; how to provide digital security and authentication for open networks; and how to assure user control over personal information in an ocean of commercially valuable Big Data."