Heyerdahl Mangrove Coin
= "HCP is a digital token that represents a living mangrove tree and carbon rights. Pioneering blochain technology empowers climate action with the touch of a button".
URL = http://www.wif.care/hcp/
"The challenge is to plant millions of mangrove trees mitigating 3-5 times more CO2 than rainforest trees. It cost only one US dollar to capture one ton CO2 from the atmosphere by working with nature. According to scientists, reducing CO2 climate gases in the atmosphere is necessary to avoid the tipping point while long term emission reductions are in progress.
HCP is a digital token that represents a living mangrove tree and carbon rights. Pioneering blochain technology empowers climate action with the touch of a button. Become a pioneer by planting mangrove trees for a sustainable future!" (http://www.wif.care/hcp/)