Hack the Union

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= blog on worker's organizing in an age of technology, by Katie Sipp

URL = http://HackTheUnion.org


"It seems that every day brings a new service or technology that can change the way that humans approach work—without a corresponding uptick in the way that we are thinking about how to make work more human.

I came up with the name “Hack the Union” because I wanted to reflect an operation that could be performed either on code or with a physical object. The challenges that affect workers today are not things that will be solved solely by technology–in fact, the problem of technological unemployment is one that is created by technology–but our tech has a major impact on the ways that both labor and capital can organize, these days.

Of course, unions themselves also have physical infrastructures–and sometimes those infrastructures get in the way of building worker power. “Hacking” can be applied to physical modifications, as well as to programming solutions.

But it’s also the culture of hacking–open-source, playful, exploring the limits of what’s possible–that needs to be injected (or in some cases, amplified) into the movements that organize for economic justice." (http://HackTheUnion.org/sample-page)