Global Crypto-Based Commons

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An Overview of Projects to Facilitate a Global Commons - Project Lists & Links Global Commons

  1. Framework for Valuing Volunteering Activities - Crypto Value for Volunteer Work & Community Tasks

by Naoise:
The purpose is to provide a vehicle and framework for Co-operative framework for groups using Crypto - Punt (CP, or Cypto Drachma in Greece) by offering a medium to exchange services at the grass-roots level in a co-operative manner.

Framework for Valuing Volunteering Activities - Crypto Value for Volunteer Work & Community Tasks

by Naoise:

Mission Statement

The purpose is to provide a vehicle and framework for Co-operative Framework for groups using Crypto - Value(Crypto-Punt, or Cypto-Drachma in Greece) by offering a medium to exchange services at the grass-roots level in a co-operative manner.

If you are in agreement with this proposal can I ask you to please pass on to your contacts/social media page or to those you think could help implement such a scheme.

As Francis Hutcheson (tutor to Adam Smith in Glasgow university) in one of his famous phrases said ' The greatest good for the greatest number of people' - he maintained that people were inherently good and fundamentally wished to help there fellow citizen. Hutcheson was immensely influential on the American founding fathers and on the families of the United Irishmen in Ireland. Francis Hutcheson is buried in St. Mary's churchyard, Wolfe Tone St, Dublin, Ireland.

Example Uses

Charity Groups:

There could be two categories of activities - EXTERNAL (to reach out to the broader community and carrying out communal activities) and INTERNAL (for internal administration and recognition of those working in and maintaining volunteer organisations behind the scenes). For example charities assisting deprived youths - providing Legup Education, Examination Help, Music Classes, Sport events etc

Community Groups:

Cleaning up localities, Facility Development, clearing snow from communal local footpaths, planning and creating Elevated Pedestrian-Cycle Paths in dangerous country roads, help in disaster/storm recovery

OAPS and Unemployed:

Exchange of services such as house/pet sits, assistance in the care for elderly, child collect from school. Also for example OAPs could provide career/skill mentoring to the younger generation in exchange for help in heavy manual tasks.

Other Uses:

The same template system could be used in providing grass roots services and aid in developing countries. For example refugees encampment logistics and support could be provided via modifications to the above infrastructure. Emergency/Disaster relief could also make good use of such infrastructure at minimal cost, efficiency and maximum use of resources available.

PoC: (Proof of Concept) - 'Project Meitheal'

  • Setup a forum in social media to initiate publicity - discussion and elicit support
  • Agreement of the Vision (what it stands for and what it is NOT intended for)
  • An agreement and the establishment of CP value standards for different services - i.e. what is this activity really worth
  • Agreement on arbitration processes and procedures in the event of disagreements or disputes
  • Registration procedures both for individuals and for organisations/charities and how a continuous audit will be carried out to ensure 'due diligence' and Fair Play.
  • Legal framework and rights etc
  • A Pilot Scheme can be established to provide 'Proof of Concept ' using web based 'crowd funding' to establish the pilot scheme
  • A framework.accounts/how value will be transferred from your account to a registered charity etc
  • A distributed 'Block Chain' ledger that is both secure and one that cannot be high jacked in the future (a design similar to the 'Bitcoin' Crypto-currency)
  • Later the design of CP including ATM types, balance/transaction facilitation and security
  • Design, Development, Testing, UAT and Implementation of the 'Pilot Scheme'

Implementation & Infrastructure (Service Exchange, CP Smart Card, ATMS etc )

  • This would require a design and testing of the CP Smart Card (Crypto-Punt/Crypto-Drachma card similar to the debit cards) simple and easy to use by elderly etc.
  • A Services Exchange - where Services are offered/available and services wanted can be advertised,
  • - where (Crypto Punt) CP Value can exchanged, arbitration process will be initiated and managed,
  • - where additional contact/support and framework information is available.


Government agreement or sponsorship would need to be obtained. However the principle of 'If you don't support, don't interfere' could be adopted.

Activist Corner - Links & Comments

Forum Discussions:-


Satoshi Nakamoto Foundation


Technical Questions -

Project Meitheal EcoSystem

Activist Corner - Links & Comments

Forum Discussions:-


Meitheal EcoSystem:-

               - Pricing & Auction Theory (Princton also home of Nash's Game theory)

Agreements between Volunteer groups and individuals


'Solidity' - EVM Programming Language

               - EVM-Ethereum Virtual Machine  (Smart Contracts - verify, execute and enforce)

ODR (online dispute resolution)

               - (for example, Modria, CyberSettle, PayMD)

               - ID & Document Verification (ShoCard, BitProof)


               - Open code Environment

Distributed Ledger database:

               - dApps (distributed Apps and Etherium)
	        -  Linux and 'Sawtooth' or 'Seth' & GBBC (Global Blockchain Business Council)

Source Code (original) for Bitcoin (Btc)

* (original Ethereum source code)
* (Solidity programming language for the EVM)

Btc developer resources


Free Code Camp


* Blockchain Training Alliance 

- edX

               - Tedx Academy
               - Coursera
               - Free U Courses
               - Learn TED Talks
               - MOOC List
               - MOOC Providers
               - Open Learning
               - Free Udemy
               - Udacity
               - Udemy
               - LinkedIn Learning 
               - Khan Academy

 		- Arduino MicroProcessor DiY
 		- Global Maker Movement		

Micro Payments: CoPay/BitPay/BitCash - micro payments to volunteer groups for payment of expenses


3rd world Aid:


- paid direct to needy and bypassing middlemen & poverty pimps

               - Mobile charity app build framework
Remittance Payments: & BitPeso 

- bypassing international banking systems

History Bit of Crypto

Satoshi Nakamoto Foundation


- First Digi Cash transfer 1994


- Paper by David Chaum 1998


- Wei Dai paper 1998


- The original paper on Bitcoin-'P2P Electronic Cash System'


- Nick Szabo bitGold paper

Why Poverty and Underdevelopment in Africa:-

One take & change due to crypto technology

Due to Africa's colonial past, property and power was legitimised by the colonial powers through the tribal chieftains. Thus any farmer could have any improvements carried out on their lands cancelled via the land being reallocated to the tribal chiefs favorites. Also due to problems issuing birth certs in rural environments, id cards and passports became an issue. With poor id and asset insecurity credit and bank loans were not on offer. With low incomes taxing resource were limited thus little investment for rural improvement and change occurred and is the root cause for continuing poverty and underdevelopment in Africa. But now with the block chain hyper ledger, central governments can now certify land tenure with GPS co-ordinates, mobiles apps can request birth certs later verified by visits to the central authority offices. Thus we are now in the dawn of a 'bootstrap' mechanism for a rural agricultural renaissance and rural wealth generation in Africa.