Giacomo D’Alisa
In 2004 I graduated in Economics of International Trade and Market Value at “Parthenope” University of Naples (Italy); in 2006 I finalized an higher training scheme in Management of Sustainable development and an higher education course in History of Ethics and Politics Thoughts. In May 2010 I got the Ph.D. in Economics and Technologies for Sustainable Development at University di Foggia (Italy). Since 2010 I have been working at the Institute of Technology and Environmental Science (ICTA), Autonomous University Barcelona (UAB) in Spain.
My researches interests are about Environmental Economics, Ecological economics, Sustainable Development, Public goods, Commons, Social Metabolism, Environmental conflicts, Water security and. My main interests as researcher are strictly related to my biography, I focus on water and waste resources after spending some years as activist in Naples against the privatization of water and for a better management of waste in Campania Region (Italy). For the last year and half I have been working on human security, mudslides and civil protection system in Italy, as part of CLICO, a EU FP7 funded project.
Currently I am working as project manger of the ENTITLE, an EU FP7 Initial Training Network under the Marie Curie actions.
I am also part of R&D Barcelona group exploring the idea of de-growth, i.e. a smooth disappearing of the hipertrophic modern individual.
- Rights of Resistance: The Garbage Struggles for Environmental Justice in Campania, Italy. Co-author: Armiero M.; Capitalism Nature Socialism, 23 (4), pp. 52-68.
- Degrowth futures and democracy. Co-editors Cattaneo C., Kallis G., Zografos C.; Futures 44 (6), pp. 515 – 523.
- Household work and energy consumption: a degrowth perspective. Catalonia's case study. Co-author Cattaneo C. ; Journal of Cleaner Production 38, pp. 71-79. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.11.058.
- A multi-scale analysis of urban waste metabolism: density of waste disposed in Campania. Co-author: Di Nola M.F., Giampietro M.; Journal of Cleaner Production 35, pp. 59 - 70. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.05.017.
- Conflict in Campania: waste emergency or crisis of democracy. Co-authors: Walter M., Burgalassi D. e Healy H.; Ecological Economics 70, pp. 239–249. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.06.021
- La cura in una società di mercato che non se ne cura. Co-author Demaria F.; Quaderni di Sabbia. Anno II, Numero 2, ottobre 2012. [1]
- Industrialización de la gestión de los residuos en Delhi (India): ¿Cuál es el futuro de los recicladores? Co-author: Demaria F.; Ecología Política 43, pp. 37- 46.
- La ciudad de los residuos. Justicia ambiental e incertitumbre en la crisis de los residuos en Campania (Italia). Co-author: Armiero M.; Ecología Política 41, pp. 97-105.
- A.B.C. per la Ripubblicizzazione, in Acqua controcorrente, eds by Papa M. and Ruello F.; T.S.A. Editore s.r.l.; ISBN: 978-88-95401
- Beni comuni versus beni pubblici. In Beni Comuni. Proprietà, Gestione, Diritti, a cura di Lucarelli A. Rassegna di diritto pubblico europeo. Year IV, No 2, July – December. Edizioni ESI.
- O. Romano, 2008. La comunione reversiva. Una teoria del valore sociale per l’al di là del moderno. Pubblicata in Journal of Cleaner Production, 18 (2010), 598-599.
- Un nuovo valore sociale? In La società degli individui, 36, 2009/3, 160-165. ISSN: 1590 - 7031.
- J. Martinez-Alier, 2009. Ecologia dei Poveri. La lotta per la giustizia ambientale. Edizione italiana a cura di Marco Armiero. In Rivista di Geografia Italiana, 115 (4).
- Inventory and Evaluation of policies related to the hydrogeological risks and the desertification in Italy. Report for CLICO project.
- Review of international and national policies and institutional frameworks. Report for CLICO project. Main authors: Gerstetter C., Kampa E., McGlade K., Timeus K.; contributing authors: Malak D.A., D’Alisa G., Bruggermann A., Berglund M., Charalambous K., Fiedler M., Fons-Esteve J., Lange M., Loutfy N., McGlynn E., Renaud F., Rosenfeld T., Schwörer S., Stefes C., Ahmed M. T., Snorek J., Tamimi A., Turhan E., Vidaurre R., Wirkus L.
- Italy's urban waste metabolism. Co-author Di Nola M.F. RECERCAT
- Commons as a connecting structure: The Movement Against Water Privatization in Naples, Italy and the claim for Water as a Commons. Co-author with Kallis G. Working paper presented at ESEE Conference 2009, Transformation, Innovation and Adaptation for Sustainability. [[2]]
- Time allocation in Catalonia: Policy implications for unpaid work. Co-author with Cattaneo C. e Gamboa G. III Congreso de economía feminista. 2-3 Abril, Baeza, Jaen, Spain.
- Autobiografia di un conflitto ambientale.
In Spanish 2010:
- Dimensions of sustainable development: a proposal of systematization of sustainable approaches. Quaderni DSEMS, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche e Statistiche, Università di Foggia. http:/ /
On Urban Waste
2012 - Rights of Resistance: The Garbage Struggles for Environmental Justice in Campania, Italy. Co-author: Armiero M.; Capitalism Nature Socialism, 23 (4), pp. 52-68. ISSN.10455752 (Print), 1548 - 3290 (Online).
2012 - A multi-scale analysis of urban waste metabolism: density of waste disposed in Campania. Co-author: Di Nola M.F., Giampietro M.; Journal of Cleaner Production 35, pp. 59 - 70. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.05.017. ISSN.09596526
2010 - Conflict in Campania: waste emergency or crisis of democracy. Co-authors: Walter M., Burgalassi D. e Healy H.; Ecological Economics 70, pp. 239–249. doi:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2010.06.021 ISSN.09218009.
More Information
Title: Research Fellow, Autonomous University of Barcelona,
The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain. [email protected]