Froxán Commons Community
= "a small village in the Galizan municipality of Lousame, close to Santiago de Compostela. Our rural Community has 100 hectares of woodlands which are managed through direct assembly democracy and also self-manages important services such as village water supply".
Joám Evans Pim:
"The Community faces considerable threats from the mining industry and has been drawn into a protracted conflict with the companies.
The municipality of Lousame, in which I have recently served as local councillor, is a good example of the reality of land commons in Galiza. common land is 50% of the total in the municipality, with 33 commons community assemblies managing its resources, that also include in most cases basic services such as supply of water.
In this corner of Europe, the commons are a crucial aspect of our life. 1/3 of the land in Galiza is "commons", some 650.000 hectares that contribute to the livelihood of more than half a million people. Galizan "commons" is a form of "property" which is neither State-owned nor individual, but belonging to communities as open and fluid groups of people settled in the land that steward its resources.
With this context in mind, we are mostly interested in traditional mechanisms for commons management through rural assembly democracy. But we are also very interested in expanding the notion of the commons to other practises and places." (Commonswatch mailing list, October 2016)