From Open Data To Commons Data
Berliner Gazette:
"This issue not only concerns data that are generated by institutions and are made publicly accessible by them (as an “act of generosity”), but it also looks at the following potential development:
– focus on all types of data that are generated (including personal data and data produced by individuals) and
– assign them the status of a democratically administered and regulated good, access to which can be negotiated in a democratic manner.
One general issue here, and in particular with respect to the above, is whether individuals should have their “right to be forgotten” extended to also cover big data and search engine data, i.e. whether it is necessary to store a certain type of data in the first place. Not storing such data would make it unnecessary later to administer these data (regardless of who would administer them).
It needs to be clear what part of the big data pool is “private”. This private part should, and needs to, remain private property that belongs to an individual’s personal realm, and is fenced-in by data protection rules. Examples of “private data” are: the content of e-mails and other personal communications; data on which web pages an individual has accessed; records of the data that have been transmitted to websites; and personal data on social networks that are only meant to be shared with friends.
Unlike private data, “public data” have been published on purpose. Examples of public data are: an individual’s website, public profiles on social networks (published by artists or journalists for instance), or blogs. An intermediate position is occupied by individuals who appear in public, but use an alias in doing so in order to escape persecution for their political beliefs, for instance." (