Freedom To Care

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= “you’re not on your own We offer circles to help reduce the stress caused by the dramatic shift in public policy and opinion since 2020".



"We want to foster resilience and to inspire a vision for a way forward. The circles are facilitated, confidential and free of charge.”

“We are living in challenging times. There are restrictions everywhere, especially on travel, socialising, and work. Those of us that have not fulfilled the ever-changing medical requirements, or sympathise with people’s right to choose, experience ridicule and bullying by media and even by managers, family, and friends. We are being ostracised by the very society we are so used to being a natural part of. For many of us, this has triggered grief, fear, anger, conflict, and confusion as well as worry and care about family, friends, and the bigger picture.

  • How can we deal with this heavy load?
  • How can we look after ourselves in the current situation?
  • How can we find a place of inspiration so that we can contribute in a positive way?

We can start by being there for each other, coming together in non-judgmental circles of mutual support. Sharing with other people, both highs and lows, is maybe the most powerful way to feel a sense of meaning and joy in life. And, at a time when many of us get heavy pushback for expressing our truth, it can be such a relief to meet up with other people who are on the same page – willing and able to listen to what we have to say.

We hope these circles will spread far and wide and reach many people. “