Fab Lab Barcelona
"After hosting the FAB10 in 2014, the 10th annual worldwide Fab Lab conference, Fab Lab Barcelona has consolidated his role within the Fab Lab Network as one of the worldwide leaders of the Digital Fabrication Revolution as well as the Coordinator of the Fab Academy Program, directed by Neil Gershenfeld of MIT’s Center For Bits and Atoms, a distributed educational model providing a unique educational experience that take place in several Fab Labs all over the world. The Fab City Research Laboratory (launched by Fab Lab Barcelona) is a design and make think tank located at IAAC in Barcelona, that works in the development of the practical elements of the Fab City vision in collaboration with MIT’s CBA and Fab Foundation. Fab City takes the ideals of the fab lab —the connectivity, culture and creativity— and scales it to the City, with a global network of cities, regions and countries that already comprises, which will be more than 25 by the end of 2017.
Furthermore, since 2013 Fab Lab Barcelona has developed Fablabs.io (fablabs.io), the online social network and official platform of the global Fab Lab Network, where Fab Labs are mapped, knowledge is shared, projects are developed and where the community discuss these topics."