Essential Embodiment Thesis
Otto Paans and Boukje Ehle:
"The essential embodiment thesis (EE) about the mind-body relation says that human minds are necessarily and completely embodied, and identical to the complex dynamic, spontaneously activating, intentional-action-guiding, global structures of suitably complex living organisms belonging to the human species, i.e., human animals (Hanna and Maiese, 2009). With regard to the hypothesis we develop, EE is important because we cannot neatly distinguish between our bodily state and occurrent biochemical processes and the formation of beliefs and/or desires. Whereas the Western philosophical distinction has often retained Cartesian dualism in some form or the other, EE rejects this distinction, instead implying that whenever we think about the mind, we cannot do so without the body, or even that this categorization is not correct.
Shaping is the term we use for processes that partially (but not wholly) causally determine, dynamically form, andnormatively guide our essentially embodied human minds and lives (Maiese and Hanna, 2019)."