Emancipatory Datafication Strategies

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Igor Calzada:

"In the labyrinth of data (un)sustainability around the geopolitical global order (Khanna 2016; Loukissas 2019), the quest for emancipation takes centre stage (Calzada and Cobo 2015).

As we navigate the entangled threads of technological power and societal impact, three distinct avenues stand out as potent emancipatory strategies (Khan et al. 2022; Löhr 2023):

(i) blockchain decentralized architecture,

(ii) decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and

(iii) data co-operatives

Each of these strategies offers a unique lens through which to reimagine the data landscape, empowering individuals and communities to reclaim ownership, agency, and control.

i Blockchain Decentralized Architecture

Emerging and disruptive technologies, such as blockchain, promise to disrupt conventional paradigms of data ownership and control. Matthew Zook’s work on the potential of blockchain underscores its capacity to democratize data access and enhance transparency (2023). However, this potential must be harnessed responsibly, considering both its potential benefits and pitfalls. Shoshana Zuboff’s groundbreaking concept of ‘Surveillance Capitalism’ exposes the insidious ways in which our data is commodified and exploited for profit (2019). The clash between this data-driven capitalism and the principles of privacy and autonomy raises questions about the true costs of our digital existence. Blockchain, often associated with cryptocurrencies, harbours the potential to revolutionize data management and ownership. Its decentralized architecture, secured through cryptographic techniques, ensures transparency and immutability—a stark departure from the centralization and opacity characterizing traditional data systems. By utilizing blockchain, data can be stored and accessed in a distributed manner, mitigating the risks of single points of failure and unauthorized access. Blockchain’s immutability ensures that once data is entered into the system, it cannot be altered or deleted without consensus from the network. This feature holds immense promise for preserving the integrity of records, making it a powerful tool in contexts ranging from supply chain management to healthcare records. By incorporating blockchain into datafication emancipatory strategies, individuals can retain ownership of their data, enabling them to selectively share it with trusted parties while maintaining control over its use.

ii Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

The emergence of DAOs presents a radical reimagining of organizational structures and decision-making processes. DAOs operate on blockchain networks, allowing participants to collectively make decisions through a transparent and consensus-based approach. This decentralization extends to governance, resource allocation, and strategic planning. DAOs introduce the concept of ‘code is law,’ meaning that the pre-programmed rules embedded in the system dictate operations, bypassing intermediaries and hierarchical structures. In the context of datafication emancipatory strategies, DAOs can serve as frameworks for community-driven data governance. By enabling individuals to collectively determine data usage policies, these organizations shift power away from tech conglomerates and empower communities to define their digital destinies.

iii Data Co-operatives

Data Co-operatives embody the concept of collective ownership and control over data resources (Bühler et al. 2023b; Calzada 2021a). These cooperatives are formed by individuals or organizations who pool their data to create shared resources. This model offers an alternative to the current data economy, where vast amounts of personal information are harvested for profit without adequate compensation to the data sources. Data co-operatives aim to democratize data ownership by allowing members to collectively negotiate data transactions with external entities. This approach ensures that the benefits of data utilization are equitably distributed among contributors, fostering a sense of agency and economic empowerment. By adopting data co‑operatives within datafication emancipatory strategies, individuals can regain control over their data’s destiny while promoting fairness and cooperation. In a world grappling driven by artificial intelligence (AI) with the intricate dance of data’s potential and perils (Helberger and Diaskopoulous 2023; Kim et al. 2018; van Noordt and Tangi 2023), these emancipatory strategies provide tangible pathways forward.

Blockchain’s decentralized architecture lays the foundation for secure and transparent data management, while DAOs introduce a revolutionary approach to decision-making and governance. Data co-operatives bridge the gap between collective ownership and fair compensation, enabling individuals to harness the value of their data without falling prey to the excesses of surveillance capitalism. As we stand at the crossroads of possibility, the convergence of these strategies signals a shift towards a more equitable and sustainable data landscape. By weaving together, the threads of blockchain, DAOs, and data co-operatives, we craft a narrative of empowerment, resilience, and liberation—a narrative that not only counters the looming shadow of big tech’s dominance but also paves the way for a future where data serves as a force for positive change, collective progress, and individual autonomy."
