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Igor Calzada:

"There is no consensus on the definition of “e-diaspora” because the concept encompasses various disciplinary perspectives and media-specific variations, such as “digital diasporas”, “net-diasporas”, and “web-diasporas”. However, there is agreement on how digital connectivity has profoundly transformed spatiality, belonging, and self-identification (Ponzanesi, 2020). According to Ponzanesi (p. 977), “e-diasporas provide new possible cartographies to map the self in relation to increasingly complex patterns of globalization and localization, while avoiding closures and the negative effects of identity politics.” This understanding of e-diaspora does not imply that the traditional notion of diaspora, whether analogic or face-to-face, has been superseded or replaced by new digital diasporas. Instead, digital technologies enable, transform, and expand the possibilities for further diasporic affiliations, subject to novel algorithmic and biometric disruptions characterized by ongoing digital global orders, data regulations, and cross-border transactions"
