Discourse Community

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Marc Saxer:

" A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. These shared discourses can be broken down into four layers. On the surface is the policy discourse, which explains what needs to be done to solve a clearly defined problem (e.g. repealing Obamacare). The paradigm discourse defines the underlying policy making manual. It identifies the problems, and suggests standard solutions (e.g. discipline the weak). The narrative discourse explains why the Doable is the morally Right Thing to Do. It translates facts into emotionally accessible frames (e.g. the role of the father is to make his children fit for the world). On the deepest level is the metaphysical discourse, which echoes our view of the world and human nature (e.g. the world is a dangerous place)."


How does discourse alliance building work?

Marc Saxer:

"In the absence of a common platform based on interest, the best way to build a transformative alliance is to start with a discourse alliance. Discourse alliance building means introducing a new narrative which resonates with several discourse communities. It goes without saying that the quality of the change narrative is front and centre. This is why TCM makes extensive use of the knowledge produced by cognitive linguistics, e.g. the techniques of political framing. Accordingly, all three foundations of TCM have a discursive dimension: the alternative vision of the future, a change narrative which explains how to get there, and the success stories which provide tangible proof that change is possible." (http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/indien/13269.pdf)