Democratic Institutional Design

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Cited by Sam Rosen, at

Originally in a book by Iverson et al. (2004: 106)

It proposes the following criteria:

Openness — all interested parties can participate or [have the opportunity for representation in] collective decision-making.

Equality — all parties have the same rights.

Access — the parties have access to the information they consider relevant and to the technical means necessary to collect and evaluate the information.

Transparency — the relevant principles and rules must be clear and known by all interested parties.

Accountability — procedures and rules must be available to identify the responsible actors without infringing upon somebody’s privacy.

Contestability — it must be possible to challenge opinions, decisions and actions without violating freedom of speech principles.

More Information

See the principles of Knowing Networks, described by Stephen Downes as an antidote to the operation of the Power Law.