Deep Time Network
= "the universe is not static. It actually had a beginning and has been transforming ever since. The human, in this model, emerged out of, and is part of, the universe, not radically separated from the rest of the universe". [1]
""Over the last century, a new cosmology has emerged in science, one in which the universe is not static. It actually had a beginning and has been transforming ever since. The human, in this model, emerged out of, and is part of, the universe, not radically separated from the rest of the universe. The implications of this new cosmology for human identity, the Human-Earth-Cosmos relationship, and how we create a flourishing future are huge. Inspired by the work of Thomas Berry, Brian Swimme, Maria Montessori, Lynn Margulis, and numerous others, DTN founder Jennifer Morgan wrote a Universe Story Trilogy for children — Born With a Bang, From Lava to Life, and Mammals Who Morph. She saw the need for a place where people could connect, learn, share resources, and collaborate. DTN is a project of The Deep Time Journey Network, a 501(c)(3) non-profit in Princeton New Jersey, founded to build a global community, offer courses, and share resources. It’s a vision of community in which everyone is source and where connecting and collaborating mirrors the way the universe itself evolves through new partnerships."
What is a Deeptime Perspective ?
"A Deeptime Perspective (DTP) embraces the discovery of an evolving Universe as a stunning development that changes our understanding of the Universe and who/what we are as humans. Five principles are below.
1) orients us to our largest context, a vast evolving Universe;
2) connects us to our matrix, the Earth;
3) transforms us into our larger identities;
4) guides our actions for creating the future; and
5) it serves as a learning continuum throughout life.
When a science-based grand narrative of the Universe is infused with the humanities, it becomes a cosmology—an origin story and unifying worldview—for our time, unifying the person with the Cosmos and Earth."