David Rozas
URL = http://www.davidrozas.com/
"Welcome to my personal website. My name is David Rozas Domingo. I am a free software enthusiast, currently studying a PhD under the supervision of Professor Nigel Gilbert and Dr Paul Hodkinson at the University of Surrey (Guildford, UK). My research concerns individual involvement and group dynamics of Commons-Based Peer Production communities, focussing on the development community for Free/Libre Open Source Software Drupal. I am following an ethnographic approach, and using Activity Theory as a theoretical framework. I am also collaborating with the FP7 EU project P2Pvalue, which is funding my studies. Some of my areas of interest are FLOSS (Free/Libre Open Source Software), CBPP (Commons-Based Peer Production), social computing or CSCW (Computer Supported Cooperative Work).
My previous research was conducted within the FP7 EU project QLectives (Quality Collectives) at the University of Surrey, and the FP6 EU project ASTRA (Awareness Services and Systems - Towards Theory and Realization) at Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (Trondheim, Norway).
I previously worked as a Technical lead in several social, educational and cultural projects based on Drupal for the company Educatic (Madrid, Spain)." (http://www.davidrozas.com/)