Dangers of Mobsourcing Morality Updates

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Handweaving Freakoutery:

"“Crowdsourced” things in software are great because they distribute effort and bring more brains into the room to solve the problem. “Crowdsourced” morality could be better described as “mobsourced,” because any time a mob gets a hold of righteousness and torches, bad things happen. Having morality fixed to a book, any book, even the Aztec book, is itself a feature because it provides a bedrock for human interaction where everyone knows what will and won’t invoke the wrath of the mob. People outside the Woke sphere of influence can’t even keep track of what the “basic rules of human decency” currently are, because they change so frequently. During the Amy Coney Barrett confirmation hearings, she referred to “sexual preference” instead of “sexual orientation” during a question, and the Wrath of the Mob extended all the way up to congressional representatives, when the only sin she committed was not being up to date with woke lingo. Not even Webster’s was up to date, because they went back and changed the dictionary to Wokeify it after the freakout.

Nobody who isn’t Woke can keep up with whatever the Woke have changed this week. And sometimes the Woke themselves get put through a meatgrinder if it changes out from underneath them."
