Dan Robles
"Dan Robles is the Director of The Ingenesist Project a crowd think tank in the Seattle Area with strategic advisors across the globe. The purpose of The Ingenesist Project is to design systems and methods for the transition out of the Fiat Currency / Market Capitalism economic structure into a sustainable "intangibles" backed securities.
Dan is also Principal at Community Engineering Services, PLLC; an engineering services coop that serves the infrastructure of shared asset communities. . He is a licensed Professional Engineer and holds an MBA in International Business. Dan has many years experience in the Aerospace Industry in design and project management for high value programs from the Space Shuttle to the Boeing 777. He has commissioned over 3 billion dollars worth of aviation products serving the world’s most respected airline clients.
Dan also has years of experience in the Construction Industry as engineer of record on several complex remediation projects. Mr. Robles has served in the field of education as Associate Professor of Business Management at the City University of Seattle and CETYS University in Baja California, Mexico.
Additionally; and combined with his noteworthy experience in the Hollywood entertainment industry in mechanical special effects, artistic direction, and musicianship add a refreshing twist to his perception and articulation of complex connection among seemingly disparate objects. Dan is a creative and prolific blogger to this website and others."