Cultural Left

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= "a progressive cultural movement based in London".



"The Cultural Left is a progressive cultural movement based in London. The Cultural Left movement has been formed as a respond to the everyday concerns and awareness of the vast majority of the people working in the Arts, Cultural and Creative Industries and sectors.

This respond is implemented with the use of modern tools of cultural economy, policy and management, in order to link the elements of what we perceive today as what culture is, as it is reflected by social, economic, political and cultural events and activities.

The Cultural Left movement aims to connect these elements with the state, the economy and politics through the perspective of creativity and cultural pursuits, through the citizens’ labours, through their expressions and their narratives. Today these elements are completely disconnected and dismantled."

More Information

  • The Cultural Left members are currently in the process of commiting to paper the Manifesto, the Objectives and the Principles of the movement. Contact us via email on: membersculturalleft-org